Guest Post

Four smart ways to make life easier in 2020

Who doesn’t want a more carefree, relaxed lifestyle? If any of your New Year’s resolutions were about simplifying your life, allowing for more time to enjoy yourself, or just reducing stress levels, then 2020 is the perfect time to turn those goals into reality. The good news is that you don’t have to turn your entire world upside down, go on a crash diet, totally revamp your spending habits or return to school. That’s because there are plenty of areas of your daily routine you can simplify just by taking direct action, making a smart purchase or tweaking your financial situation. Here are four effective ways to make your world a happier, less stressful place.

Get a new laptop

The state of technology in the laptop computer market has changed a lot over the past five years. If your device is slowing you down and you think a new one could make personal and business chores easier, now is the time to replace an old machine. Prices are at historic lows on laptops that are both powerful and user-friendly. If you decide to buy, try to locate a retailer who will give you a generous trade-in deal on your current model. Excellent deals are out there. You can find them by spending a few minutes online doing comparison shopping and placing a few phone calls.

Refinance your student loans

You can instantly save money and improve your finances by refinancing student loans. No matter how much education debt you accumulated during college and/or graduate school, consider doing a refi in order to lower monthly payments, get more time to repay the entire balance, and possibly get a lower interest rate. This is a perfect example of how doing just one uncomplicated thing can add abundance to your life, with no strings attached.

Get a new Android phone

The Android phone market is modernizing and consolidating even faster than the computer sector. That means if you’re willing to wait for seasonal sales, you can snag a major discount on a new smartphone. Remember that this market is highly competitive, so shop around, ask for trade-in deals and find out about price matching policies. That way, you can get the phone of your choice for the lowest possible price. Remember to keep an eye on prices and contract commitments. Try to opt for a month-to-month plan if you can find one that includes all the amenities you need in a phone.

Minimize social media use

For most busy professionals, having a better life means having more free time. And in today’s social media-obsessed culture, just about anyone can add an extra hour to a typical day by cutting back on social media. Spend time taking a walk while all your devices are off. Or arrange to chat with a friend over lunch or during a visit to a local gallery. If you find yourself staring at your devices during personal time, then you’re likely spending too much time on social media and can benefit from more unconnected hours.

Note: This is a guest post. You’ll never find our opinions in them.

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