Opinion: Android O is just Nougat with sprinkles

Each year, millions of Google loyalists expectantly await the release of their smartphone’s new mobile operating system. And every time, changes take a little getting used to, but ultimately improve both battery life and productivity. Usually, there’s even an element to aesthetic updates which heighten the excitement of the general masses. But in the year 2017, Android fans may be a little disappointed.

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Opinion: Why hiding root is eventually a losing game

Recently, it came to light that Google has updated SafetyNet once again. This recent update added some extra root and tamper checks, breaking tools like Magisk. However, the Magisk developer managed to patch the new update almost immediately with their v13.0 beta. While this is good news for Magisk users, it further emphasizes that Google is playing out a cat and mouse game between their SafetyNet checks and root hiding tools like Magisk. A game that Magisk is eventually going to lose.

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Why the LG G6 is the best phone hardware design ever—even better than the new S8

When the LG G6 was released in February this year, it was widely accredited with being the best-looking smartphone in the world. It was also popularly theorized, however, that it would hold onto this title for a short time only with the new Galaxy phones coming out the next month. And sure enough. That’s exactly what happened. The new Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus are almost unanimously accepted to be the best-looking smartphones to ever grace humanity.

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