
[Update: Teasing by Razer] Razer is working on building a “mobile device,” to be ready by end-2017

Razer’s gaming products are one of the most iconic peripherals of the last decade. For a lot of people, gaming products are synonymous with products made by Razer. In an interview with CNBC’s Managing Asia, Min-Liang Tan, the CEO and co-founder of Razer, said the following:

Update 10/11: Teasing by Razer.

“One of the most hotly rumored things about Razer is that we’re coming up with a mobile device. And I can say that we are coming up with a mobile device specifically geared toward gamers and entertainment.”

Nextbit Acquisition

In January 2017, Nextbit was acquired by Razer, and all 30 employees of the company were absorbed into Razer. Nextbit was to operate as an independent division inside Razer, focused on unique mobile design and experiences. However, it is entirely possible that Razer decided that it is worth entering the market with a phone that differentiates itself from the other devices that are available in the market.

Gaming and Razer

Razer is a favorite among many PC gamers because of the quality of the mice that they make. The Chroma Deathadder is my personal favorite and having used it I can say that it is definitely expensive but worth the money. If and when the company does come out with a phone, it is going to definitely be targeted towards the gaming crowd and will feature a design similar to the other products that Razer has in its portfolio.

RGB All the Things: A Possibility

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