
Google Photos now asks you why you cancelled a share action midway

The  “sharing” tab debuted on the Google Photos web and app at Google I/O in 2017. Since then, the Google Photos app automatically recognizes saved faces and will ask you to identify and share the pictures that you took. The ones that you tagged already are identified automatically.

However, we have noticed that if you cancel a share midway on the Google Photos web version, Google asks you why you canceled it, asking for feedback.

The pop up asking for feedback

In my case, the reason is actually quite interesting: Some of the people in my contacts list that I click pictures of aren’t talking to me via email. The web app in its face-suggestions lists only email addresses of people while on the mobile app, the same sharing tab shows me numbers as well emails. I then go on to select the number and send the pictures to my friends.

I’ve sent this feedback to Google as well, and I am hoping that if more people also share this, this can be implemented on the web app too. I do not own an iPhone, so I am yet to try out the sharing tab on it. I will update the post as soon as I try it out.

Let me know in the comments section if this bugs you as well (or am I just nitpicky)?