
India’s Intelligence Bureau lists 42 apps that send data to China

Data is a resource whose value cannot be ascertained. Now that all companies are vying for your data, your privacy is inherently at risk. Not only are advertisements catered to your tastes, but data can be misused by someone with vested interests as well. In a report, Intelligence Bureau has curated a list of apps that are sending your data to China. Subsequently, they have asked members of the Indian army to remove those apps from their personal devices, in lieu of a threat of being spied upon.

For certain good measure, it is recommended that you remove these apps as well if you do not want your data to be stored on some server in China. In this post, I will try and list out alternatives for the apps that are listed below.

The Do-Not-Install List


Let’s start off, shall we?

  1. Weibo:
    Weibo is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, and the entire UI is in Chinese. So if you want to use Weibo, I would recommend you stick to the web client, and not use the mobile app.
    Price: Free
  2. WeChat
    While it has been known for a while that WeChat shares all of its data with the Chinese authorities, another reminder always helps. I personally swear by Telegram, Whatsapp, and Signal for messaging, since all of these are encrypted messaging apps.
    Price: Free

    Price: Free

  3. ShareIt
    Unfortunately, there are not many good alternatives to this app developed by Lenovo. On top of it, a lot of phones in Asia come with this preinstalled, where the app is a system app, which makes it impossible to remove without using ADB.
  4. TrueCaller
    TrueCaller is a company registered in Europe. However, their primary revenue source seems to be from advertising, and the company has been dealing with shady practices for a long time. Google’s dialer has spam protection built-in, and that is what I would recommend. However, TrueCaller is definitely better at spam detection due to the large phone number database it has.
  5. UC News
    If you are looking for a news app, Google makes a decent news app which does the job without overly spying on you. I open it up once, and you can opt-in for notifications about breaking news alerts
    Price: Free
  6. UC Browser
    If you are looking for a browser, look no further. Google Chrome and Firefox are both excellent, and Firefox has an adblocker plugin available as well.

  7. BeautyPlus
    Call me old-fashioned but I would rather edit my photos offline. If you are really interested in editing, Snapseed is excellent and is my choice.
    Price: Free
  8. NewsDog
    See #5.
  9. Viva Video – Qu Video Inc.
  10. Parallel Space
    There aren’t many alternatives to this, but you could try out an app called island. In fact, Parallel Space in itself is slow and buggy.
    Price: Free
  11. Apus Browser
  12. Perfect Corp
  13. Virus Cleaner – Hi Security Lab
  14. CM Browser
    Please take a look at my post on CM Browser earlier. You know you don’t want to touch it with a 10-foot pole.
  15. MI Community
    You are better off following them on G+, and in my personal experience, the community is pretty cancerous.
  16. DU Recorder
  17. Vault Hide – NQ mobile security
  18. YouCam Makeup
  19. MI Store
  20. CacheCleaner DU Apps Studio
    Just clear cache from the settings app in Android.
  21. DU Battery Saver
    Just don’t.
  22. DU Cleaner
  23. DU Privacy
    “DU Privacy! Where we steal all your remaining privacy!”
  24. 360 Security
    Honestly, you don’t need any security apps on your device. Google Play Protect and a bit of common sense is all you need.
  25. DU Browser
  26. Clean Master – Cheetah Mobile
  27. Baidu Translate
    Google Translate should do all the necessary things that you might need to use this app for.
    Price: Free
  28. Baidu Map

  29. Wonder Camera – Baidu INC.
    There is no camera app which beats Google Camera with HDR+. I recommend sideloading it if you can.
  30. ES File Explorer
    Take a look at solid explorer! It’s a paid app on sale and is excellent too. If you are looking for a free and decent file browser, you will be surprised to hear that the two best file explorers are Asus File explorer and Google Files Go.
    Price: Free

  31. Photo WonderSeriously: Google Photos. Nuff said.
    Price: Free
  32. QQ International
  33. QQ Music
  34. QQ Mail
  35. QQ Player
  36. QQ Newsfeed

    Don’t get deceived by the cute QQ penguins!

  37. WeSync
  38. QQ Security Centre
  39. Selfie City
  40. Mail Master
  41. Mi Video Call – Xiaomi
    Google Duo is one of the best video calling apps out right now, even when the network is terrible.
    Price: Free
  42. QQ Launcher
    As far as launchers go, Nova Launcher and Microsoft Launcher are my two favorites.
    Price: Free


Just due to the sheer similarity in the type of apps that have been included in the list, I have left spaces blank for a lot of the alternatives. If you have any questions, hit me up in the comments section and I will try and find an alternative for you!

Source: Zee News