Valorant Tips for Beginners: How to Improve Your Gameplay

Valorant has emerged as a popular multiplayer game in recent months. Despite being the first shooter game from the developer Riot Games, it has captivated millions of players. To win this team-based tactical shooter game, you need to develop your skills enough to compete amidst its ever-growing player base. Valorant requires you to be a team player and play cleverly, outsmarting your opponents.

Here are some Valorant Tips that would help beginners improve their Gameplay

1. Develop your shooting skills

In a shooter game like Valorant, shooting accurately is essentially one of the key skills. You can improve your aim by practising shooting, which would develop your muscle memory. Before getting into competitive matches, you might want to spend a little time practicing at The Range. Besides this, if you are new to the game, stand still while shooting. It takes time to develop your skills enough to shoot accurately while moving.

2. Consider using cheats

As mentioned just above, being able to shoot accurately is crucial for a winning streak. However, it takes time to develop your skills, and the chances are high that there might be players better than yourself.

You can escape this problem using aimbots. In fact, it would put you at par with the numerous other players who use a Valorant aimbot too. Other effective Valorant cheats include radar hack and ESP/Wallhack.

3. Utilize the strafe movement

A great way to shoot down opponents in head-on battles without getting yourself shot is to strafe. While strafe movement is difficult to perfect, it can greatly improve your win rate. Strafing involves an oscillating left-right-left movement while facing the enemy. You can fire a burst during the small moment when your character stands still before reversing direction.

4. Use the mini-map

The mini-map is more valuable than you might think, providing you with important information. These include information on your location, the location of visible enemies, the location of your teammates, and active spells.
Keep a check on the mini-map at all times and react according to what’s going on around you. This would keep you a step ahead of your enemies.

5. Communication is crucial

Valorant is a team-based game, and your chance of winning depends heavily on how well you communicate with your squad. Before the match starts, talk to your teammates and plan out a strategy. You may also discuss the match to talk about what worked and what did not. During the match, coordinate constantly to share locations of drops, enemies, and yourselves.

6. Check corners

In the detailed map that Valorant offers, there are plenty of corners where enemies can hide. For beginners, getting killed by such lurking enemies is quite a common problem. In case you are flanking, make sure to check each corner. As you develop your map knowledge, you would grow less likely to fall into such traps.

7. Learn about the gun’s recoil

Gun recoil can have a major impact on your shooting accuracy. Spend some time growing accustomed to the recoil and fire rate of different weapons. Pushing your mouse in the direction opposite to the gun’s movement due to the recoil would help you steady your aim. Until you master managing the recoil, consider shooting short bursts to keep the recoil under control.

8. Choose the right agent

There are primarily four types of agents in Valorant:

  • Duelists who deal damage.
  • Initiators who open up new lines of attack.
  • Sentinels who play defensive roles.
  • Controllers who focus on reconnaissance and control.

You should pick an agent based on your ability to serve the role in the team. For instance, avoid picking a duelist agent if you aren’t great with your aim or wish to avoid battles.

9. Optimize your movements

While your character would run by default, and running can help you move faster, setting your default movement mode at walking is better. This is because running creates a lot of noise, which would give away your location to your enemies. It is also harder to shoot a weapon accurately while running than shooting while walking.

10. Make personalized adjustments

Every individual is comfortable with specific settings and can play better by making personalized adjustments. For instance, you can choose from crosshairs of different patterns, colors, and types. Choose and modify your crosshairs based on your personal preferences and abilities. Similarly, you can adjust the sensitivity of your mouse to improve your shooting skills. Pro players recommend setting up the sensitivity in such a way that you can turn 180 degrees by swiping the mouse just once.

Following these tips should help you a lot if you are a beginner. As you gain more experience in the game, you can even come up with your own tips and tricks.

Note: This post is written by Rifat/ You’ll never find our opinions in them.

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