How to Get a Better Google Chrome Experience: 6 Tips

Google Chrome is the most popular internet browser in the world. According to Statista, roughly 2 out of 3 internet users stick to Google Chrome, and that applies not just to computer users but also to those who browse on a smartphone or a tablet.

One of the reasons behind the popularity is that Google Chrome is the default browser for Android devices. If you have a Samsung smartphone or tablet, for example, you will more than likely use Chrome. 

Overall, it is the sense of familiarity and the desire to find a better alternative to Internet Explorer that people seek, and Google Chrome happens to check a lot of boxes. The browser has some downsides, such as memory consumption, but it is difficult to find a better option as far as flexibility, and available features go.

If you are looking to improve what should already be a good experience using Google Chrome, then this article should prove quite useful.

Remove Unnecessary Obstacles

The first thing to do is to get rid of obstacles that get in your way. If you are familiar with the internet, you should know about these obstacles.

For one, there is the infamous Yahoo search. Figuring out how to remove yahoo search from chrome mac or another computer has should not be too difficult, nor should it take too long.

Online ads are another issue that can significantly hinder one’s browsing experience. In case you are fed up with annoying online advertisements, install an ad blocker extension.

Utilize Available Extensions

Speaking of extensions, one of the best things about Google Chrome is its wide range of available extensions. From the aforementioned ad blockers to various quality-of-life improvements to the browser, you can create a tailor-made experience for yourself.

Keep in mind, though, that adding too many browsers simultaneously can affect the browser’s performance negatively. Some users take things too far and add more extensions than the browser can handle. What follows next is Chrome needing to consume more computer resources just to keep up with the demands of active extensions.

As soon as you notice that the browser slows down, check how many extensions you have installed and remove ones that are no longer necessary for your browsing needs. Decluttering redundant extensions will help with the browser’s performance.

Clear Cache Regularly

Clearing the cache regularly is another method to improve Google Chrome’s performance. Cache exists to collect data and speed up the loading speed of websites the next time you visit. 

It might seem counterintuitive, but the cache will slow down Chrome (or any other browser) if it is left unchecked for too long. The sheer number of files that accumulate over time “clogs” the browser and causes problems to users.

As a rule of thumb, you should aim to clear the cache regularly, which should be around once or twice every month or two.

Use Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are not something that we associate with internet browsers, in particular. However, when it comes to increasing the overall productivity, you can save yourself a lot of time by typing on a keyboard instead of using a mouse.

For example, you can use Ctrl + Shift + T to open the last browser tab you closed. Ctrl + N opens a new separate Chrome tab, while Ctrl + W closes the current tab.

Do not hesitate to check the list of all the available Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts and figure out which of them can help you. When you do that, work on memorizing a few shortcuts every day and use them consistently so that your finger memory takes note. Before you know it, you will be utilizing the available shortcuts for yourself.

Add Bookmarks

You can use the browsing history to check the websites you visited, but the problem with such an approach is that you might forget a website’s name or the time when you visited it.

Once you find a website that you want to check later, you should bookmark it. Doing so will allow you quick access to the website. 

If you notice that there are too many bookmarks, you can create folders and sort the bookmarks in an orderly fashion.

Sync Chrome With Multiple Devices

The last bit of advice is to remember that you can sync your Chrome account with other devices. You need to use a Gmail account and to log in on a device via Google Chrome. When Chrome detects a new device, it will ask if you want to sync your account with it.

After you accept, it will take a while for Chrome to sync. Once the process is over, you will see that your bookmarks, browsing history, and other information from Chrome become accessible on a new device.

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