Google accidentally sent someone ten pink Pixel 3s instead of one

Customer service isn’t every company’s cup of tea, but Google just took it to a whole new level. Reddit user /u/Cheetohz returned a defective white Pixel 3 for a refund. He didn’t receive a full refund, but he ordered a replacement anyway. Instead of sending him one replacement, Google sent him ten—yes, you read that right—ten Pixel 3s.

The Reddit user was only refunded $80 of the earlier bill amount of $980, the $80 being the tax on the phone. This means that he is still owed $900 from Google. In a separate transaction, he ordered a new “Not Pink” Pixel 3. Instead of one new phone, he received ten brand new pink-colored Pixel 3s.

Since this person resides in the United States, he cannot be forced to return what’s been delivered to him. However, Google could take action on its end and ban the associated Google account or blacklist IMEI numbers, rendering the phones useless and the person’s data erased forever.

As far as the situation goes, the person is now sitting on about $9,000 worth of goods (before tax) with no need to return them. However, he did try contacting Google reps via phone but has had no positive response. The official Google Support Reddit account has reached out to him via PM, and they are working it out.

This is probably a case of a wrong refund and a shipping error happening to the same person at the same time, which is extremely rare and hilarious. Hopefully, this poor soul (or rich, depending upon how you look at it) gets his refund and comes out of this with at least one working phone. We’ll keep an eye out on the situation for more updates as they happen.

Source: Reddit
Via: Android Police

This article was written in part by Karan Shah.