
Android Oreo usage doubles in July 2018 distribution numbers

Google usually releases Android distribution numbers in the first week of every month, but lately, that hasn’t been the case: June numbers weren’t posted at all, and we’re getting July’s numbers only now as we near the end of the month. Nevertheless, let’s dive into them.

While we didn’t cover May’s distribution numbers, Android Oreo usage was at 5.7% and now it’s at a total of 12.1% for both 8.0 and 8.1 combined. On the disappointing side, however, Android 7.1 usage (previously 8.2%) actually increased more this time than Android 8.1 usage (previously 0.8%).

It’ll certainly be interesting to see the next update’s adoption with Project Treble and all, but in the meantime, please, let Gingerbread rest.

Source: Android Developers